Our Story
The Illinois Affinity Group Network was planted as a seed of hope and grounded in a deep commitment to uplifting educators of Color in Illinois. Nurtured by shared experiences and aspirations, we took root—recognizing the isolation, barriers, and challenges so many educators faced. From that foundation, our network began to grow, first as a sapling (young tree) reaching for the light, then branching out into a thriving, supportive community.
Season after season, we’ve flourished—cultivating connections that strengthen and sustain one another. Through love, care, and joy, we’ve created spaces where educators of Color find not only support but also celebration of their work and impact. Today, we stand as a resilient and ever-growing network, ready to empower the next generation of leaders dedicated to equity and transformation.

Educators Served and Supported
500 in School Year 23-24
Cities with Affinity Groups
21 Cities in FY 23-24
25 Cities in FY 24-25
Annual Educator Retention
97% of teachers who participated in Affinity Groups remained Illinois educators.
95% of educators stayed in the same district.
Provided coaching and professional learning opportunities that empower affinity group facilitators.
Partnered with school districts to provide in-person training and advocacy resources.
Hosted an annual end-of-year convening where we gather, celebrate, and plan for the future.
Expanded our toolkit to include strategies that help educators navigate and resist challenges related to equity-focused initiatives.
As we move forward, we remain committed to nurturing spaces where educators of Color are seen, heard, and supported, strengthening our collective journey.
We nurture deep, meaningful connections that break isolation and build collective strength.
We create safe and welcoming spaces for reflection, growth, and recovery from systemic challenges.
We believe our futures are inextricably intertwined and that our actions must work toward our collective liberation.
We celebrate the creativity, resilience, and beauty within our network with a playful and loving spirit.
We center the lived experiences and diverse identities of educators of Color in all that we do.
We stand for transformative practices and policies that support equity and justice in education.

We believe that in this work healing and advocacy are not in opposition; both are necessary.
We believe we exist in a state of dual consciousness as educators and as people of Color working within a system that does not value us.
We believe that racial battle fatigue is real and that we need to make space to heal from it.
We believe we are here to build community and collective power.
We believe we have the power to choose and shape our collective destiny